Creative Curriculum - Burdi
The Creative Curriculum reinforces early positive growth and opens the door to lifelong learning.
Goals and Objectives at a Glance
In L’Anse Creuse Public Schools our preschool programs offer children opportunities to construct their own knowledge as they participate in a broad range of activities. Our curriculum, The Creative Curriculum for Preschool, immerses children in exploration, creativity, practice, questioning and growing through quality literacy experiences, creative expression, hands-on opportunities, and a balance of quiet and active times, indoor and outdoor activities and individual, small and large group initiatives. Our children are engaged in learning through:
- Literacy Experiences
- Blocks
- Dramatic Play
- Toys and Games
- Art
- Library
- Discovery
- Sand and Water
- Music and Movement
- Cooking
- Computers
- Outdoor and Indoor Play
Our curriculum shows teachers how to:
- offer children opportunities to make choices
- provide children with ample occasion for creative expressions
- allow children freedom to explore the environment
- permit children freedom to get messy during play
- encourage children to work independently
- value children's ideas
- promote problem solving and appropriate risk taking
- help children express their feelings in constructive ways
- provide appropriate real-work responsibilities and jobs
- encourage children to see tasks through to completion
- provide appropriate play materials that support and challenge children's abilities