School Hours
8:00 a.m. - 3:04 p.m. (M, T, Th, F)
8:00 a.m. - 2:04 pm (Wednesdays)
8:00 a.m. - 11:19 a.m. (half days)
Office Hours
7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Associate Principal
Counseling and support staff
Counseling/Attendance Clerk: Amanda Auchter
586-493-5260 x 1115
Counselor for A - L: Debra Langkam
586-493-5260 x 1116
Counselor for M - Z: Kerry Quick
586-493-5260 x 2210
Social Worker: Kelley Orlando
586-493-5260 x 1117
Media Clerk: Emily Lang
586-493-5260 x 1131
ELL Para pro: Carla Russo
586-493-5260 x 2110
Speech Pathologist: Rebecca Campbell
586-493-2560 x 1120
School Issued Devices - Student Chromebooks
Click the links below for the following forms:
2024-25 L'anse Creuse Device Coverage Flyer
The school will not collect any money. Please send payment directly to the company.
Student need to bring devices to school every day. The form attached needs to be on file in the main office for your child to be issued a device.
If you need to pay for damages, replace your charging cord or get a new case, please contact the main office for further assistance.
Staff Email Links
Welcome to LCMS-North
"Students of L'Anse Creuse Middle School - North will grow intellectually, physically, emotionally, and socially in a safe, positive environment with the support of staff, parents, and community."
Power School information
The following links are instructions to reset your passwords and if using the app - you must delete it and reinstall it.
School of choice & enrollment information
Appointments are REQUIRED to turn in Enrollment and School of Choice information. Please click on the link below to schedule an appointment.
Yearbook Information
Our goal this year is $30,000
We are hoping to exceed our goal!
Thank you in advance for your help in putting this years Fund Run together!
MSN Fund Run Registration instructions 2024
MSN Fund Run Kickoff Letter 2024
MSN Fund Run Student Incentives 2024
School Messenger:
Are you receiving texts from L'Anse Creuse? If not, please text Y to 67587
Weekly emails go out every Friday as well as important information throughout the school year. Do you get these?
If not, email: Jennifer Barnes to let us know. You are missing out on a lot of information by not receiving these emails and texts.
Quick LinkS
Homework Club Permission slip 24-25
Electronics and Cellphone Policy 24-25
Follow us on Facebook to see some of the great things happening at Middle School-North!
Free or Reduced Lunch Information Packet 24-25
Please apply online for Free or Reduced Lunch as well as add money to your student's lunch account on the link below:
Office 365 Parent Informational Letter