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Middle School Athletic Eligibility Plan
Mission Statement: The L’Anse Creuse Public Schools strive to develop and maintain comprehensive athletic programs that seek the greatest development possible of the participants within the framework of the total district educational program. The goal is to promote physical, mental and social growth through athletics in an effort to instill positive attributes that will remain with the student-athlete throughout their lifetime. To meet those standards the middle schools of L’Anse Creuse Public Schools have instituted an eligibility plan. Student-athletes are expected to maintain the established academic and citizenship standards.
Participate: Practice and be present with the team at contest
Play: Dress and compete in contests.
Process: Weekly grade sheets are sent to teachers with the names of current student athletes - teachers are to respond by filling in the grade for any student athlete in their class who is currently earning a cumulative grade of D+ or lower in their class. Teachers will also inform administrators/coaches of any citizenship/conduct issues.
Level 1: first instance during playing season with two grades of D+ or lower
- Athlete may Participate and Play
- Verbal notification to player and parent by coach/AD
- Written notification to coach by administrator
- Written notification to parent by administrator
Level 2: second instance during playing season with two grades of D+ or lower
- Athlete may Participate and Play
- Verbal notification to player and parent by coach/AD
- Written notification to coach by administrator
- Written notification to parent by administrator
- Mandatory 90 minutes at academic assistance program
- Athlete remains on Level 2 throughout his/her playing season until all grades are C- or better
Level 3: any time a student athlete has two Fs, the student is immediately placed at Level 3
- Athlete may Participate but may NOT Play
- Verbal notification to player and parent by coach/AD
- Written notification to coach by administrator
- Written notification to parent by administrator
- Mandatory 90 minutes of assistance at academic assistance program for remainder of his/her playing season (even after removal from Level 3)
- How to get off Level 3.
- Players must have fewer than two Fs on weekly checks to go back to Level 2 (Play and Participate)
- Once returned to Level 2 - athlete remains on Level 2 throughout his/her playing season until all grades are C- or better
- Player may be removed from Level 3 through Appeal process
- Players remain at Level 3 until they have fewer that two Fs
Appeal Process
- Appeals may be requested by the student athlete, parent, counselor, coach, athletic director, or an administrator. Documentation must be supplied.
- Appeals are heard by an administrator and the athletic director.
- Appeals must be made within 48 hours of verbal notification. If parties don’t agree, building administrator will make final decision.
Failure to attend mandatory Academic Assistance Program
- Students failing to attend mandatory academic assistance program will be ineligible to play in any contests until attendance at academic assistance.
- Failure to attend mandatory academic assistance twice results in removal from the team.
- Appeal process applies to this situation.
At End of a Marking Period
- At the end of a marking period students participating in interscholastic athletics with 2 or more Fs on their most recent report card begin their sports season at Level 2.
- Fall Athletics will refer to 4th quarter the previous year beginning the 2010/2011 school year.
- Appeal process applies to this situation.
Evan Chalk
Athletic Coordinator