Proper Dance Attire

Why is it important to wear appropriate attire when training in dance?

It is important to wear proper dance attire during training for several reasons.  Dancers are moving their body in many different ways if this movement is performed incorrectly you can put undue stress on a body part.  Also it is important that the teacher can see the muscles working. 

Lastly, dance teaches etiquette, poise, and dedication.  Much of this is taught through wearing the proper attire for class.  If a student walks in wearing baggy sweats and chewing gum they are being disrespectful to their fellow classmates as well as to the teacher. 

This training and discipline  will prepare students for what is expected when entering the work force.  As we all know proper attire is expected in all facets of life.

Proper Attire For Dance Classes:


  • Leggins or shorts
  • Fitted tank or t-shirt
  • Tan jazz shoes Dance 1, Turners Dance 2 and 3


  • T-Shirt
  • Shorts
  • Black Jazz Shoes

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