

PPA Theatre CTE courses begin with building a foundation for acting techniques and theatre terminology.  Vocal exercises, body exercises, improvisations, monologues, scenes, and commercials on camera culminate with Monologue Night in January and Scene Day in May. In addition to the performance side, technical theatre will also be introduced with costuming, makeup, set design, lighting and sound technology, stage management and other aspects of theatre.  Since theatre is a team effort, listening skills, and the ability to take direction are necessary for success in this course. Additionally, there are special guest speakers, field trip(s), and other related activities.

Two major productions will be held in the John Armstrong Performing Arts Center each year.  These productions have open auditions for all L’Anse Creuse secondary students.

Also please check out our new commercial for a short peek in some of things we will be doing.

Auditions and Requirements

Teamwork, listening skills, ability to take direction, and participation every day are required in the Pankow Performing Arts (PPA) CTE Theatre program.

All classes require an initial audition/interview for admission into the program. PPA CTE Theatre class is taught in a 2 period block with a grade appropriate English class. For detailed information regarding auditions, please click on the links in the upper left corner of this web page.

PPA Acting has an active Thespian Troupe, Troupe 7494  - PPA Acting Seniors have been offered over $2,500,000 in scholarships over the last six years.  Troupe members have consistently earned the highest awards in competitions in acting, singing, dancing, and costuming.

Program Information:

  • Classes are a two period block at the F.V. Pankow Center – English and Acting (always first block of day).
  • Classes Count for a 1.0 English credit and a 1.0 Performing Arts Credit.
  • Entrance to the PPA Acting Program is through audition only.

About the Class:

  • We frequently look at plays during English, and tie in the books we reading into our acting.
  • If having problems in the English class the teacher is always willing to help.

Who Should Audition?:

  • Anyone interested in acting and/or expressing yourself in a more confident way; working cooperatively with students from across the LC district; and beginning your high school career in a supportive environment.
  • You don’t have to want to be an actor.  Not all PPA actors go into the acting field, but all PPA actors leave with confidence to pursue their chosen path and have a family of supportive friends.
  • The English portion of the class is the same college prep English class taken throughout the district.

What to Expect at the Audition:

  • Choose one of the available monologues that you like or relate to.  Counselors will have copies.
  • Students will perform that monologue for Mr. Trzaskoma and a panel.  Look over the monologue thoroughly prior to the audition.  Please have the paper copy with you during audition if you need to refer to it.  In other words, feel free to glance at it as you need during audition.

What to Bring:

  • Your monologue, your audition form (your counselor may keep this), and make sure to give your English teacher plenty of time to complete the teacher recommendation form (your counselor will deliver this form to Mr. Trzaskoma).

Slotting process:

  • There will be a waitlist with a specified order.  Every year wait listed students do indeed make it into the class because of scheduling conflicts, so do not be discouraged.
  • Mr. Trzaskoma has no control over scheduling. Sometimes conflicts occur and the student makes a choice.

8th Grade PPA Acting Auditions will be set up at your middle school in February once applications are turned in.  Any questions, please email

Mom2Mom/Vendor sale

Saturday, May 17, 2025, 9:30am to 1:00pm

Mom2Mom flyer

Mom2Mom Table Rental

Acting Resources & Forms

Use QR code or link below for 25-26 PPA Theatre Auditions.

Click here for link for 25-26 PPA Theatre Auditions.

Monologues for 8th Grade Auditions
(choose one)

Contact Mr. Trzaskoma if you have any questions at 

Pankow Acting-Theatre Commercial