Scholarships and Financial Aid - LCHS
Did you know that this year’s seniors can go to Community College for Free? All they have to do is complete the FAFSA. The FAFSA is free to complete, and tells them what aid they are eligible for. It does NOT sign them up for any loans, or steal their identity.
L'Anse Creuse High School- Local Scholarship-
LCHS Local Scholarships 25 Flyer with QR Codes
John Wayne Sellers Memorial Scholarship 25 with QR Code Deadline March 31, 2025
L'Anse Creuse Foundation Glen Peters Academic Memorial Scholarship 25 with QR Code Deadline April 1, 2025
Michigan Realtors Association-Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) launched its annual scholarship competition on Jan. 1, 2025. Fourteen $3,500 scholarships will be awarded for the 2025-2026 academic year. Seven Platinum Legacy Scholarships and seven Michigan Retailers Association Legacy Scholarships will be awarded.
Advia Youth Scholarship-Deadline March 16, 2025 Youth Scholarship Application (
Homer J Van Hollenbeck Foundation-Application deadline May 31, 2025
Michigan Retailers Association Seeking Scholarship Candidates for 2025-2026 School Year Deadline April 1, 2025
The Daziah T. Crawford Foundation (TDTCF) was established in 2019. It's in honor of Daziah whose life ended tragically on August 5, 2018. She was a journalism major and a recording artist. Her family and friends wanted to keep her legacy alive and decided a foundation helping students to pursue their dreams is the greatest honor. Application Opens in March 2025
Sparkle Network- High School Seniors living in Macomb County, student has completed a minimum of 40 hours documented community service and has a dream you fully believe in and how/will you make it happen. Deadline date is April 26, 2025 at 11:59 PM!
The Donovan Xavier Baker Scholarship Fund- African American male, Age 17-22 Residing in Wayne, Oakland, Macomb or Washtenaw county. Attending or plan on attending a 2 year college, 4 year university, trade or technical school.
Cirkled In “No Sweat” Scholarship is a $2500 CASH scholarship you can use for any educational purpose, from books to summer camp. In just two steps, you’re in! Apply by signing-up for a Cirkled In account and then complete your portfolio.
Next Deadline: March 31st, 2025
The Hagan Scholarship is a nationwide need-based merit scholarship, providing recipients with the opportunity to achieve their goals and graduate college debt-free. Applicants must graduate from a high school located in the United States. Applicant’s Adjusted Gross Household Income reported for 2022 Federal Income Tax Purposes must not have exceeded $100,000. Deadline March 15, 2025
Coast Guard Foundation Scholarship Deadline- Feb 1 - April 1, 2025
Robert A. Leonard Jr. Charitable Trust 2025 Scholarship-
East Macomb Chapter- Michigan Association Of Retired School Personnel-application deadline March 31, 2025 EMARSP25
University of Michigan Alumni Legacy Scholarship- Alumni Legacy Scholarship
MEA Scholarship-
Eligibility Criteria-
- Dependent of an MEA member or MEA-Retired member in good standing
- Graduate of a Michigan public high school or private high school that has an MEA bargaining unit.
- Will attend or is currently an undergraduate student of a Michigan public community/junior college, four-year degree-granting institution, or vocational training institution that grants a degree, certification or license. Those attending the following private institutions ONLY are also eligible: University of Detroit–Mercy; Adrian College; Finlandia University; and Albion College. (The aforementioned private institutions are existing local MEA affiliates.)
- Note: Children of MEA officers, fund trustees, and MEA staff are not eligible.
(A child of an MEA, MESSA or MEA-FS staff person is eligible if the other parent is an MEA member in good standing). - Beginning in 2022-2023, MEA will offer an additional scholarship meant to encourage and support the continued education of members of the BIPOC (African American/Black, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander or Hispanic/Latinx) community to further the belief that a diverse society enriches all individuals. Applicants for the BIPOC Scholarship must identify as a member of a defined BIPOC group as listed above.
Selection Criteria
Priority is given on the basis of:
- Academic achievement
- Extra-curricular activities
- School and community service
Application- 2025-MEA-Scholarship-Application-Fillable.pdf
Distinguished Young Women of Michigan is a state and national scholarship program that inspires high school young women to develop their full, individual potential through a fun, transformative experience that culminates in a celebratory showcase of their accomplishments. Go to
to apply or get more information or
email with any questions, or call
State Committee Members
Jan Sickle-Witte at (517) 260-0730
Michigan Scholarship Directory, a list of 100+ vetted scholarships for students across the state, broken down by month. Here is the link
At Community Choice Credit Union, we believe that access to education is one of the keys to helping people achieve the life they desire. Since its inception in 2009, our Foundation has granted $1.4 million in scholarships. This year, we're offering another 25 scholarships for a total of $100,000.
Apply Here-
HSF awards more than $30 million in scholarships annually and, depending upon available funds, HSF Scholars may also be eligible to receive a scholarship, which ranges from $500-$5,000 and awarded directly to students.
- To get started, visit and log into or create your myHSF profile to access the HSF Scholar Program Application
FreeStar Financial Credit Union is proud to award $4,000 to graduating high school seniors!
We offer two categories for our scholarships:
Military Honor Scholarship-We appreciate the men and women who defend our country every day. To honor the foundation and beginning of our credit union, the Military Honor Scholarship is awarded to two members of FreeStar Financial whose parents (one or both) are active military, reserve or veterans. Two $1,000 scholarships are available.
Community Action Scholarship- As a credit union founded on the principles of “people helping people”, we want to help provide educational assistance to members who are active volunteers in the community. Our young members who take the time to assist the community and non-profit, charitable organizations are eligible for this financial award. Two $1,000 scholarships are available.
BCBS Leadership Association-Participants must be high school students including home schooled, grades 9 – 12, at the time of the local contest and within the designated area of the sponsoring Chapter. Click here for scholarship page.BCBSSCHOLARSHIP
Central Michigan University- Applications are now open for the Leader Advancement Scholarship, the Lloyd M. Cofer Scholarship, and the Multicultural Advancement Scholarship. The first step is applying for admission.
After submitting an application for admission, eligible students will gain access to the following scholarship applications.
- Leader Advancement Scholarship - Rewards dedicated leaders with $2,000 per year. Minimum 3.0 GPA required.
- Multicultural Advancement/Lloyd M. Cofer Scholarships - Rewards students committed to equality and inclusion. Valued between $4,125 annually and a full-ride. No minimum GPA required.
Bethel College is hosting Music & Theater Scholarship Auditions. Dates and times vary. Contact the music or theater department to schedule your audition.
- Music: (574) 807-7575,,
- Theater: (574) 807-7747,,
Scholarships for trade schools in Michigan
Become an Apprentice | Michigan Road 2 Work (
Michigan Apprenticeships: The Other 4-Year Degree
The Partners who support this website recognize that our region is talent rich, and we want to simplify the process for attaining information about opportunities in the skilled trades. Whether you are a high school or community college student, a veteran, or someone in need of retraining, take a look at the various apprenticeship programs described here. We hope that today is the day you begin the process to help you land a career opportunity that works best for you.
Carnegie Institute (Troy, MI): Healthcare Industry related positions, such as Cardiology Technician, Massage Therapy, Medical Assistant, Medical Business Specialist.
MIAT College of Technology (Canton, MI): Aviation, energy, global logistics & dispatch, HVACR & wind energy.
Discover® Student Loans Scholarship
Discover is happy to announce our 2020 $2,500 Discover® Student Loans Scholarship Award that will give away a total of $100,000 in scholarships to 40 individuals. New this year, both students and parents of eligible students can register.
Now through January 31, 2021, eligible students and parents can enter to win one of the $2,500 scholarships by signing up to receive helpful tips on planning and paying for college at . Students and parents can earn up to three additional entries into the Discover Student Loans scholarship sweepstakes when they share the sweepstakes via Facebook, Twitter and/or e-mail and their friend enters via the link in their share.
Online Colleges, Degrees, and Scholarships
Our mission is to provide comprehensive, actionable information for:
- High school students headed for traditional two or four-year colleges.
- Adults who wish to improve their career options and earning power by enrolling in online degree or online certificate programs at the undergraduate level.
- Students of all ages interested in enrolling in vocational, technical, and career schools and colleges.
- Undergraduate degree holders seeking a master’s, doctoral, or professional school degree online.
The top ten most popular pages on this site are:
- A page which lists and links to more than 70 free scholarship search sites.
- A page with information on online degree programs and fully accredited online colleges and universities.
- An extremely fast and easy to use online GPA calculator.
- Lists of traditional and online colleges, by state, with links, full contact information, and online applications for admission.
- A list of colleges with programs for students with learning disabilities.
- A student loan calculator which calculates monthly student loan repayments.
- More than 70 helpful articles for students on a variety of topics including college admission, careers, specialty colleges, online degree programs, campus life, scholarships, financial aid, study tips, time management, and more.
- A comprehensive list of Christian colleges, including those that offer online degree programs.
- A complete list of Catholic colleges, including those offering online undergraduate and graduate degrees.
- A state-by-state list (with links) of historically black colleges and universities. is highlighting over 20 scholarships that will be awarding more than $5 million to students in the 2020 school year. Criteria and deadlines vary, please pay attention.