Community Service
Community Service Completion
- 8th graders can begin earning community service hours the summer before 9th grade.
- Record hours on Timelog - also available in the LCHS Main Office
- Students have 4 years to complete the community service hours.
Class of 2025 graduation requirement is 40 hours
- (Seniors Only)- all Seniors must complete a Reflection Questionnaire to complete their graduation requirement. See Mrs. Rickel to pick up the questionnaire.
- Diploma holds begin April 25, 2025 (Seniors only)
- Honor Cord 80+ hours due March 20, 2025 (Seniors only)
- Presidential Award 100+ hours due February 28, 2025 (Seniors only)
Class of 2026 graduation requirement is 40 hours
Class of 2027 graduation requirement is 40 hours
Class of 2028 graduation requirement is 40 hours
All hours are due at the end of the student's senior year.
For more information, please phone or e-mail the Community Service Coordinator: Mrs. Julie Rickel
586-783- 6400 Ext. 2031
Community Service Office is located in the main hallway.
Hours: Monday - Friday 6:30am - 2:30pm
Community Service-Learning National Award
The L’Anse Creuse Community Service-Learning Program received the 2004 Spirit of Service Award presented by the Corporation for National and Community Service on June 6 at the Points of Light National Community Service Conference in Kansas City. Program coordinators, Ann Hart from L’Anse Creuse High School and Emma DeAngelis from L’Anse Creuse High School - North, were honored as the only community service-learning program in the nation to receive this prestigious award.
During the past decade, the district’s community service-learning program has grown to a 40-hour community service graduation requirement enhanced by a service-learning curriculum that is linked to the state’s education standards and benchmarks. Hart and DeAngelis have mobilized the district’s program by generating resources from Learn and Serve grants, developing partnerships with non-profit organizations and agencies, assisting teachers with development of classroom service-learning projects and volunteering along side their students throughout the community. Since the program began, the district’s students have contributed more than 400,000 hours of service.
During this past year the students collected clothing and household supplies for the needy on National Make-A-Difference Day, collected blankets for the American Red Cross Blanket Drive, donated food to the Macomb County Food Program and donated time and money to the Macomb County Rotating Emergency Shelter Team (MCREST). In addition, students in the Building Trades classes built handicapped ramps for wheelchair-bound citizens, Health Occupations students held a blood drive for the American Red Cross and Web Design students developed a Web site for Harrison Township. All ninth-grade English students at L’Anse Creuse High School wrote Valentine letters to veterans, thanking them for their contributions to freedom and delivered them to Veterans Hospital in Detroit. In the spring, the Select Reading class at L’Anse Creuse High School - North assembled 20 bicycles and donated them to the Macomb County Head Start Program.
Through this program, L’Anse Creuse students are applying classroom lessons to the real world, exploring careers, developing citizenship skills and recognizing themselves as contributing members of their community.
Graduation Requirements
Class of 2025 graduation requirement is 40 hours
Class of 2026 graduation requirement is 40 hours
Class of 2027 graduation requirement is 40 hours
Class of 2028 graduation requirement is 40 hours
All hours are due at the end of the student's senior year.
Community service is service without pay to a non-profit agency/organization or a group in need. Do not volunteer for a privately owned business. Babysitting does not count for community service UNLESS it's at a non-profit organization; example; Church or School.
See Mrs. Rickel in the community service office for more information.
- Students must complete 40 hours of service and a reflection questionnaire, before May 1st of their senior year. Service may begin the summer prior to a student’s freshman year. Students have 4 years to complete the requirement.
- For students enrolled after the first semester of their freshman year, the requirement will be prorated to equal five hours times the number of semesters enrolled in L’Anse Creuse Public Schools.
- Service must be performed outside of school hours unless under the supervision of the classroom teacher and directly tied to the curriculum. (Service-Learning)
- Childcare/babysitting count only when done for a non-profit organization.
- Helping family members with yard work or house cleaning is done out of love and is not considered community service.
Student Reflections
Application of Lessons
“Participating in Dialogue Day was my favorite. I learned about self-esteem, drug use, bullying all that teens encounter. It was meaningful, because it was relatable” – Curstyn
“It was meaningful to me because I enjoy making things for people in Horticulture class” – Morgan
Career Awareness
I want to be a teacher, so volunteering at summer day camp I was able to build up my patience and leadership skills. – Jacob
I was able to volunteer in a hospital which relates to my future career. – Isabella
Civic Responsibility
Doing service at the VFW was meaningful, because I felt like I was helping the Veterans/Reserves. – Ashley
I helped make an impact with military youth programs on Selfridge base for Detroit Arsenal. – Sarah
Volunteering for public safety with the Sheriff Explorers was very meaningful to me. – Griffin
click link below for updated list of opportunities/ideas