Graduation Requirements - LCHS North

 Accreditation: L’Anse Creuse High School - North is accredited by the North Central Accreditation Association and holds membership in the National Association of College Admissions Counselors, the College Board, and the College Scholarship Service. L’Anse Creuse High School - North received the Michigan Exemplary School Award in 1994-95 and was named a National Blue Ribbon School in 1994-96.

General Requirements: With the change in 2016-2017 to a 6-period day, the credit requirements will be shifting with each graduating class (see below), classes after 2020 will all be requiring a minimum of 22 credits for graduation. 

Students must take required state testing in their Junior Year. 

Composition: The school year is composed of a two-semester system. A semester is defined as twenty weeks long with two ten-week report card periods.

Grading Point System, 4.000 scale

A+ = 4.000B+ = 3.333C+ = 2.333D+ = 1.333F = 0
A = 4.000B = 3.000C = 2.000D = 1.000NC = No Credit
A- = 3.667B- = 2.667C- = 1.667D- = 0.667

I = Incomplete

AP courses add a 0.5/1, Honor courses add a .25 GPA bump per course taken, not changing the letter grade.  

CourseClass of 2028Class of 2027Class of 20256Class of 2025
Social Studies3333
Fine Arts1111
World Languages2222
On line Exp.40 hrs/gr 6-1240 hrs/gr 6-1240 hrs/gr 6-1240 hrs/grades 6-12
Financial Literacy
Total Possible

The total credits possible may exceed the above, if a student takes high school level classes while in middle school (i.e. Spanish, Algebra, Italian).  Middle School courses will not be reflected in High School GPA calculations.  

Mathematics: 4 credits

  • Algebra I
  • Geometry
  • Algebra II
  • One math course in final 2 years of high school

Science: 3 credits

  • Biology
  • Physics or Chemistry or Horticulture or Anatomy
  • One additional science credit

Social Studies: 3 credits

  • U.S. History
  • 0.5 credit in Integrated SS (Economics)
  • 0.5 credit in Government (Civics)
  • World History

English Language Arts: 4 credits

Physical Education: 0.5 credit

Health: 0.5 credit

Visual, Performing and Applied Arts: 1 credit

World Language: 2 credits

Financial Literacy: 0.5 Credit (beginning class of 2028)

Electives/Additional Credits: 4.0 Credits

Community Service Graduation Requirements by year:
All students - 40 hours

The State of Michigan allows certain changes to these requirements. See your counselor to discuss possibilities and qualifications.

Students in 7th and 8th grade may take classes for high school graduation credit.  Available courses are Spanish 1, Spanish 2, Italian 1 (MSN), and Algebra 1.  After completion of the courses, grades will appear on the student's high school transcript; however, grades will not calculate in the student's GPA.