Career Exploration & Apprenticeships
Check out Free-4U - A National database that lists all the different types of schools in every state - trade, community, and online schools.
The Average job posting attracts about 250 resumes. Make yours stand out! Click here for tips and tricks for writing an eye catching resume.
Xello is an online program that helps you create your very own, unique, roadmap for college, career, and future success. Interactive assessments highlight career pathways aligned with your skills, interests, and unique personality. Sign in today and get started!
Say Hello to Xello - provides a brief description of what the program is, and what it will provide for you.
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If you are thinking about a possible career in the trades, the current opportunities are plentiful! In addition to what is listed below, be sure to check out opportunities at Macomb Community College, their MAP+ program and M-TEC. We will have more info in the fall, and most of what you will need to do will be during senior year, but check these out so you can begin to learn what is out there.
MI Road 2 Work - Info on apprenticeships - the other 4 year degree. Like to work with your hands? Want a good career you enjoy with zero debt? This site is worth checking out! How to apply, requirements, and who to contact about apprenticeships in 24 different areas of work.
MUST Construction Careers - Info on apprenticeships in the trades - similar to the website above. How to apply, requirements, and who to contact, plus job descriptions, videos in 23 different areas of work.
US Registered Apprenticeships - Explore careers and find training, as well as a job search tool in the trades. This site also includes info for adult job seekers! Sponsored by US Dept. of Labor.
MIAT College of Technology - Local school with opportunities in aircraft maintenance, airframe and powerplant, HVAC, and energy programs, including wind energy. Direct connections to Detroit Metro airport, and lots of good opportunities. Short program completion times as compared to a University.
US Dept. of Labor - Find opportunities for apprenticeships
Michigan Apprenticeship Program Plus (MAP+) may be just the program for you! MAP+ steps & deadlines.