Reading & Writing
Reading & Writing
Hello! My name is Amy Brender and I am the Literacy Specialist at Higgins Elementary. I have been teaching in L’Anse Creuse for 23 years! I have taught multiple grades in several of our elementary schools and for many years I was a Title I Resource Teacher. This is my second year as Literacy Specialist. It is my responsibility to ensure all students are engaged in a rich literacy curriculum and are demonstrating growth as a reader and writer. Our teachers instruct students in reading using several components of the Fountas & Pinnell Classrom; Interactive Read Aloud, Guided Reading, Shared Reading, Reading Minilessons, and Independent Reading. In writing, our teachers utilize the MAISA Writing Units. In both reading and writing, our students receive direct instruction as well as time to work with their peers and independently. It is my goal to ensure the literacy instruction our students receive is comprehensive and effective while instilling a love for reading and writing!