Hall of Distinction

A Hall of Distinction was created to recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to the district who have not been recognized by other means, and to provide a tangible means of presenting the history of the district to the general public.

Final responsibility for selecting Hall of Distinction Honorees will rest with the Board of Education, following the nominating process as outlined in the Administrative Guidelines. The administration may advise on such a matter upon receipt of a nomination that includes pertinent data such as a profile of contributions and letters of recommendation.

Glen H. Peters - Inducted November 30, 2015

Glen PetersGlen H. Peters, a prominent civil leader and school board member, was dedicated to providing the very best educational opportunities to the students of L'Anse Creuse Public Schools and other school districts throughout Macomb County and the State of Michigan.

Peters served on numerous state, regional, county and district committees. His 37 year career as a school board member included service on both the L'Anse Creuse Board of Education and the Macomb Intermediate School District (MISD). He was a Board Member for L'Anse Creuse from 1950-1970, serving as the first President and later in the capacities of Secretary and Trustee. He also served on the MISD Board of Education from 1951-1987, 25 of those years as the President. During this time he was instrumental in the consolidation of L'Anse Creuse Public Schools and the creation of the Special Education programs and facilities at the MISD.


James L. Dooley - Inducted April 25, 2017

Jim DooleyJames L. Dooley, a teacher, coach, principal, and “visionary,” strived for the best possible education for all students and settled for nothing less. Dooley served his entire 36 year career in public education at L’Anse Creuse: he was a teacher from 1958 – 1969 at L’Anse Creuse Middle School – Central, and at L’Anse Creuse Middle School – North he was the assistant principal 1969 – 1974 and the principal from 1975 – 1994.  In 1992, the Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals named him the State Middle School Principal of the Year.

During the 1970’s he worked with fellow district administration and the Board of Education to transform the junior high schools into successful and progressive middle schools. He is remembered as a true leader and innovator and was known to many as the “Father of Middle Schools in L’Anse Creuse.”


Dr. Joan E. Garbarino - Inducted April 25, 2017

Joan GarbarinoDr. Joan E. Garbarino believed strongly that L’Anse Creuse should serve all patrons and that everyone deserves a second chance at a quality education. As an expert in adult education, Garbarino was courted in 1980 by the district to create a specialized program for L’Anse Creuse Public Schools. As the Administrator of the High School Completion and Adult Basic Education Program, she created the framework for a program that has changed the trajectory of thousands of lives.

From 1980 – 1999, approximately 2,000 individuals aged 17- 80 received their diplomas through the exemplary program she established. Throughout her nearly two decade career she immersed herself in the everyday efforts of improving the program, including a 1994 merge between the L’Anse Creuse and Mount Clemens programs. Her legacy will continue to impact the L’Anse Creuse community for many years.


John "Jack" C. Hart - Inducted April 25, 2017

Jack HartJohn “Jack” C. Hart dedicated his life to serving his community as a school board member, law enforcement officer, civic leader, and volunteer. Hart was a member of the L’Anse Creuse Board of Education from 1980 – 1996 and again from 2002 – 2010. During that time he served as president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and trustee. One of his many successes during his tenure was the implementation of the Community Service Learning graduation requirement. He truly believed in the power of education.

In 1971, during his 30 years in law enforcement with the Macomb County Sheriff’s Department, he implemented a rehabilitation program offering educational opportunities to the jail population which established the relationship between the district and the Sheriff’s Department. His devotion to the community continued as the supervisor of Harrison Township from 1996 – 2000 and as a very active member of the L’Anse Creuse Educational Foundation.

John Da Via - Inducted October 3, 2018

John Da ViaJohn Da Via served L'Anse Creuse Public Schools for over 40 years as a caring, respectful leader who worked tirelessly to do what was best for students.

Da Via joined L'Anse Creuse in 1974 as a teacher and coach at L'Anse Creuse Middle School - North. He transferred to Middle School - South in 1983, and in 1986 earned a law degree and moved to L'Anse Creuse High School, where he also served as a Teachers' Association officer. He became associate principal of Middle School - Central in 1994 and North in 1997. In 2000, he became principal of Middle School - North, where he remained until retiring in 2014. Under his leadership, the school emphasized professional development, reduced student failure, and promoted environmental awareness. Da Via also served as Interim Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources in 2013 and Interim Principal of Tenniswood Elementary in 2018. Throughout his career, he exemplified the mantra of doing "What's Best for Kids."

Kenneth N. Hoover - inducted October 3, 2018

Kenneth HooverKenneth N. Hoover's service to L'Anse Creuse spanned 52 years as a teacher, coach, District Art Coordinator, and Board of Education member.

Hoover spent most of his teaching career at L'Anse Creuse High School, where he developed the district-wide art program that became state exemplary curriculum and a national model for the "New Definition of the Arts." His impact on students reached far beyond the classroom, coaching girls track from 1976-1999. He led his teams to win over 50 championships and titles at the regional, state and national level. After retirement, Hoover served on the Board of Education from 2003-2016, as trustee, secretary, vice president and president. Serving with three different superintendents, his greatest contributions were the implementation of the 2005 Bond Issue and his continued efforts to preserve the history and culture of L'Anse Creuse.

Pauline Pavlick’s dedication, leadership, creativity and commitment to L’Anse Creuse permeated throughout the district for over 30 years as her position evolved from parent, to board member and then director.

Pauline P. Pavlick - inducted november 4, 2019

Pauline began her many years of service to the district as a “powerhouse parent,” and among her many contributions as a parent volunteer; she was recognized state-wide and nationally for being an integral part of the historic period of the transition to the middle school concept in L’Anse Creuse.  Pauline was a member of the L’Anse Creuse Board of Education for 7 years from July 1980-March 1981 and July 1985-June 1991, serving as president, vice president, secretary and trustee.  During her tenure on the board she emphasized the mission of the district, challenging staff to create programs and a learning environment that would promote student success.  From 1994 – 2001, Pauline continued her dedication to the district as the Director for the Office School and Community Relations.  Pauline’s efforts to promote the district through partnerships and communication resulted in L’Anse Creuse being viewed as a premier district in the State of Michigan.  Pauline’s partnerships led to great success and she was instrumental in the creation of the L’Anse Creuse Foundation, helping fund student scholarships and teacher grants for the past 27 years.   Pauline’s passion to build bridges between L’Anse Creuse and its community left an everlasting mark on the district.  It was believed that everything Pauline touched “turned to gold” and some of the district’s greatest achievements were due to her high level of personal commitment.

Emma A. De Angelis and Ann L. Hart - Inducted November 4, 2019

In 1992, the L’Anse Creuse Board of Education approved the decision to include 40 hours of community service as a graduation requirement for the district.  Shortly after, Emma De Angelis and Ann Hart were chosen as the Community Service Coordinators at L’Anse Creuse High School-North and L’Anse Creuse High School due to their own commitment to volunteerism in the district, taking on the challenge of pioneering a new program that was later to become locally, state and nationally recognized.

Prior to accepting the coordinator position, Emma De Angelis worked for 5 years in the district’s Community Education Department.  In 1992, Emma De Angelis accepted the challenge of starting a new program with a personal commitment that lasted 17 years, guiding L’Anse Creuse High School – North in creating their community service program. As a 1960 graduate of L’Anse Creuse High School, a parent volunteer, community member and a special education paraprofessional; Ann Hart was already an invested member of the district. Ann served as the Community Service Coordinator at L’Anse Creuse High School from 1994-2009.  Together, Emma De Angelis and Ann Hart designed and built a highly accepted and acclaimed program for the district from the ground up.  Through their unwavering dedication and leadership, the program became a model that was emulated by other school districts throughout the county and was recognized at the state and national level.  From the inception of the program in 1992 through 2009, students from both high schools have given 725,761 hours of service to their community under Emma and Ann’s leadership.   Emma and Ann’s legacy of connecting service with education continues to make a difference in the L’Anse Creuse community today.


Donna Sogge began her teaching career in L’Anse Creuse Public Schools in 1957, a journey that lasted 25 years.  Donna being an English major, not only taught English for many years, but also excelled in teaching Speech (Debate), Drama and Forensics.  Donna began teaching at L’Anse Creuse High School, where she was referred to as a “super” teacher who devoted herself to students inside and outside the classroom.  She was the driving force behind the highly successful debate teams and professional dramatic productions.  For Donna, teaching had no limits, and her involvement in outside activities with her students and the community demonstrated her true commitment to teaching.  In 1988 Donna was named “Creative Writing Teacher of the Year” by the Michigan Council of Teachers of English; her accomplishment directly tied to the success of her students and the many awards they won. From 1977 – 1998 Donna taught at L’Anse Creuse High School – North where she was greatly respected and a leader among her fellow teachers.  Superintendent Fredrick V. Pankow commended Donna’s contribution in the area of Forensics stating “no single teacher did more for her students and school, than did Donna”.  It is believed that Donna’s efforts, influence and professionalism helped mold L’Anse Creuse High School – North into an exemplary school and the district into one of the best districts in the State of Michigan.  Donna’s philosophy was built on what was best for her students, and the relationships she built with her students and staff lasted her lifetime.   Her personal devotion to students helped make the building a school and the community a family.  Donna was more than a distinguished teacher and a colleague; she was a friend to all who knew her.


From 1957 to 1994, Dolores Montgomery created the foundation for the English curriculum of L'Anse Creuse Public Schools. "Dee" was hired by Frederick V. Pankow into a developing district of only nine schools. Dee was the English Department Head at L'Anse Creuse High School from 1963-1974 and L'Anse Creuse-North from 1974-94. During her tenures as teacher and department head, Dee instructed over 8,500 students and led about 40 teachers in two high schools, creating a respected curriculum and strong English departments honored at the local, state, and national levels. Dee was considered a role model for her talents, teaching strategies, and dedication to her students. She introduced many innovations that are in use today. She founded the creative writing magazines, "Voices" and "Pencil Marks", to showcase student writing and arts. She transformed the English curriculum into a semester elective system where courses could be chosen based on student needs and interests. The reputation of L'Anse Creuse grew as students succeeded in forensics, Debate, Journalism, Scholastic, and other writing competitions. Dolores Montgomery was a distinctive educational leader who created a rich learning environment for students and staff. “The world is better for her having been ‘a teachers’ teacher’.”


Sally De Schepper dedicated 40 years of support and leadership to L’Anse Creuse through her commitment as a parent, board of education member, and community leader.  In 1969, Sally began as an active parent volunteer until she grew to be of service on the Board of Education. Sally was a member of the L’Anse Creuse Board for 20 years from July 1986 – June 2006, serving as President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Trustee.  Sally was known for her integrity, honesty and unity she created.  Sally dedicated her efforts to keeping the interests of students and the community at the forefront and was a driving force at the board table supporting the creation of the L’Anse Creuse Educational Foundation and advocating for growth in special education, adult education, community service, vocational and early childcare learning.  Former Board Member Ken Hoover shares, “Sally’s greatest gift was her ability to recognize the potential of excellence and not merely support it, but nurture it throughout its development.”  Sally advocated for public education at the state and national levels through her involvement with the Michigan Association of Middle School Educators (MAMSE), MASB, and NSBA associations.  Her efforts helped to build a strong foundation for the middle school concept and the district’s reputation evolved into an effective model for others to follow.

It is said that board members serve out of love and passion for schools and the desire to do what is best for children.  Sally De Schepper is certainly one of those exemplary individuals.  Through her highest level of personal commitment, leadership, compassion, and wisdom, Sally positively impacted the lives of students and staff, contributing to the overall success of L’Anse Creuse Public Schools.

Cynthia Ann broad - inducted on October 2, 2023

“I Touch the Future: I Teach.” Cynthia Ann Broad profoundly touched the future of special needs students. When her mother homeschooled Cynthia’s autistic brother due to schools at the time having no services to offer him, it inspired her future. In 1970, she accepted an offer from L’Anse Creuse Public Schools, intrigued by the opportunity for her vision of bringing special needs and regular education students together to learn. Throughout the following 46 years, Cynthia blazed a distinguished career path teaching special needs students to reach their fullest potential. She included their peers, parents, and colleagues into her innovative teaching strategies, with her “we will find a way” philosophy. Cynthia, along with the Telephone Pioneers of America, developed “George the Talking Bear” to help students with language, speech, and self-confidence. Cynthia’s leadership went far beyond the classroom. She spearheaded the development of a Special Education Elementary Curriculum Guide, the first in Macomb County, and wrote the program “Language Experience for Middle School Non-Readers.” Outside the classroom, she mentored high school students to attend college and pursue the teaching profession, as well as led faculty and community support groups to create curriculum for students affected by divorce. She conducted yearly workshop presentations at the Michigan Reading Association Conventions. Cynthia was the State of Michigan Teacher of the Year for 1989, becoming the first special education teacher to receive the honor. In 1990, she was honored with the Milken Family Foundation National Educator Award.

In 1994, the publication Women’s Voices in Our Time: Statements by American Leaders featured Cynthia and quoted a colleague, “She is an outstanding teacher who goes out of her way to educate, inspire, and assist her colleagues. I know of no other teacher who devotes so much of herself to her students and other teachers. She is an inspiration to me.”

Melvin A. Miller - Inducted on october 2, 2023

Melvin “Mel” Anthony Miller exemplifies what it means to be a true educator. In 1974 Mel joined L’Anse Creuse Public Schools as a social studies teacher at Middle School – North and quickly became an incredible role model for his students and colleagues both during and after school hours.

Mel did more than just teach history; he brought history to life. Mel would often dress up in character and reenact historical events, as well as provide projects for students to participate in history rather than simply read about it. Mel’s goal was to create a meaningful experience for all his students, building off their enthusiasm and encouraging a love of learning to promote their long-term success. Outside of the classroom, he continued to provide for the Middle School – North community as an advisor for the National Junior Honor Society and the creator of the V.I.P. club, where he spearheaded multiple fundraisers raising money for students, families and the community at large. His dedication to students and social studies resulted in him being chosen as the 1981 Michigan Teacher of the Year, becoming the first L’Anse Creuse teacher to receive the distinction. Mel’s passion for social studies led him to the MISD in 1984, where he became the Coordinator for Social Studies Curriculum and helped improve and strengthen instruction for students and educators across the county.

Melvin Miller has an incredible history of encouraging and supporting his colleagues and students, as well as working at the district, local, and state level to help promote and develop the social studies curriculum for the school community. Mel Miller’s exemplary legacy is best described by Frederick V. Pankow, who said, “...he is a leader among teachers, a friend to all students and a professional in the finest meaning of the word.”

Application Information

PDF DocumentGuidelines for Induction
PDF DocumentDownload the application for induction into the Hall of Distinction. Applications are due by May 15. Ceremonies are held in the fall.

Please return finished applications to:

Superintendent's Office
Harry L. Wheeler Community Center and Administrative Offices
24076 F.V. Pankow Blvd.
Clinton Township, MI 48036

Phone: (586) 783-6300 ext. 1210
Fax: (586) 783-6310
Email: goodach@lc-ps.org