Bond Progress Information

Thank you L'Anse Creuse Public Schools Community for approving a $188.7 million, no tax-rate increase bond proposal! As we move forward with bond projects, we will regularly share updates on our progress and on how these improvements are making a positive difference in our schools and for our community as a whole. 


Since the passing of the Bond Proposal on November 5, the district has been committed to keeping the Board and community informed on the progress of bond-related projects.  Each presentation has provided key updates on planning, financing, design, and construction phases.  Below is a summary of the bond presentations given to the L’Anse Creuse Board of Education.  Thank you, Voters!!!  Your support for our students and community is appreciated!

Bond Update 3.10.2025 - The current bid schedule and construction updates were presented to the board, including a demo of the Lobbestael flooring replacement and a 3D rendering of the baseball and softball fields at both high schools. During the meeting, the team also presented their bid award recommendation for the pavement replacement project—True North Asphalt. 

Bond Update 1.27.2025 - At the end of January, Partners in Architecture and Barton Malow presented a review of the proposed design decisions being made to the LCPS Board of Education. This update includes pictures from the design meetings, ‘before’ and ‘proposed after’ flooring replacement photos of Tenniswood, Yacks, and Lobbestael, and drafted versions of the high school athletic fields. 

Bond Update 12.16.2024 - The next steps in bond financing and a tentative project list were established during the presentation at the December 16th board meeting. The project list highlights all the projects that are being tentatively planned for 2025. 

Bond Update 11.18.2024 - This is the first presentation to the L’Anse Creuse Board of Education following the passing of the Bond Proposal on November 5. During the meeting, the district introduced the partners who will be working on bond projects, explained the financing timeline, the priority of projects, and the developing schedule.  

Progress Photos

Background information

School officials worked with architectural and construction management specialists to determine immediate facility needs and program upgrades to identify bond proposal projects. Identified projects were grouped into four categories:

  • Enhancing safety and security 
  • Enhancing arts and athletics
  • Improving instructional spaces and technology
  • Improving infrastructure and school sites

Due to the financial history of spending down the 2005 bond funds, the district is able to ask the community for a new proposal with a no tax rate increase to residents. The district has worked to develop a bond proposal to address the facility needs of the district and support the learning process for both students and staff. For more information, please click the image to the left to view an informative Q&A.

Click here for the Bond History of L'Anse Creuse Public Schools through the years.

Will the Bond Proposal Increase my current Tax Rate?

No. L'Anse Creuse Public Schools will extend the current tax rate for the entirety of the bond, which is not projected to increase the tax rate to complete the projects. 

Click here to view a sample tax bill breakdown, as well as an overview of the November 5 ballot language. 

project lists

Please see below detailed project lists of each school or facility. 

Facility Assessment

Each year the district conducts a facility assessment to ensure our buildings are operating properly and to continue providing our educational program in a safe, inviting learning environment for students and staff.  During the review we look at school buildings' immediate, short, and long-range needs.  Please find below information regarding the most recent findings from the facility assessment review; addressing safety and security, facility infrastructure and school site improvements, instructional upgrades for student learning, and arts and athletics.

Facility Assessment Review

Facility Assessment Future Planning

School Bond Application

Thank you L'Anse Creuse!

Please click the link below to see a message from Superintendent Keith Howell.

Thank You Message - Superintendent Keith Howell


Click on any of the links below to view the full Q&A.

Q&A Flipbook

Q&A PDF Version

Q&A Accessible Version