Board Member Communication Protocol
The role of the L'Anse Creuse Public Schools Board of Education is to oversee and set school policy, hire and work in partnership with the Superintendent, and oversee the District budget.
The Board desires open dialogue with the community. Board of Education meetings and workshops include an opportunity for public comment. Guidelines for public comments are addressed in the Addressing the Board During Hearing of School District Patrons. If you choose to contact Board Members via email, please note the following guidelines:
- Copies of emails are given to all Board Members and you will receive one response from the Superintendent on behalf of the Board.
- The Board president or designee may respond on behalf of the Board and emails are subject to Freedom of Information Act requests.
- If your email concerns a daily or operational issue, it will be forwarded to the appropriate administrator for a response.
- Email and contact information for Board Members are listed on their individual biography page.